What is Kerberos and his advantages and disadvantages.

 • Kerberos is an authentication protocol and a software suite implementing this protocol.

• Kerberos uses symmetric cryptography to authenticate clients to services and vice versa

. • For example, Windows servers use Kerberos as the primary authentication mechanism, working in conjunction with Active Directory to maintain centralized user information.

• Other possible uses of Kerberos include allowing users to log into other machines in a local-area network, authentication for web services, authenticating email client and servers, and authenticating the use of devices such as printers.

 • Services using Kerberos authentication are commonly referred to as “Kerberized”.

Kerberos Tickets

• Kerberos uses the concept of a ticket as a token that proves the identity of a user.

• Tickets are digital documents that store session keys. They are typically issued during a login 
session and then can be used instead of passwords for any Kerberized services. During the course of authentication, a client receives two tickets:

– A ticket-granting ticket (TGT), which acts as a global identifier for a user and a session key

 – A service ticket, which authenticates a user to a particular service

• These tickets include time stamps that indicate an expiration time after which they become invalid. This expiration time can be set by Kerberos administrators depending on the service.

Kerberos Servers

• To accomplish secure authentication, Kerberos uses a trusted third party known as a key distribution center (KDC), which is composed of two components, typically integrated into a single server:

– An authentication server (AS), which performs user authentication

– A ticket-granting server (TGS), which grants tickets to users

• The authentication server keeps a database storing the secret keys of the users and services. The secret key of a user is typically generated by performing a one-way hash of the user-provided password. Kerberos is designed to be modular, so that it can be used with a number of encryption protocols, with AES being the default cryptosystem.

• Kerberos aims to centralize authentication for an entire network—rather than storing sensitive authentication information at each user’s machine, this data is only maintained in one presumably secure location.

Kerberos Authentication

 • The client and authentication server authenticate themselves to each other.

 • The client and ticket-granting server authenticate themselves to each other.

• The client and requested service authenticate themselves to each other, at which point the service will be provided to the client.

Authentication Details

Kerberos Advantages

• The Kerberos protocol is designed to be secure even when performed over an insecure network.
• Since each transmission is encrypted using an appropriate secret key, an attacker cannot forge a valid ticket to gain unauthorized access to a service without compromising an encryption key or breaking the underlying encryption algorithm, which is assumed to be secure.

• Kerberos is also designed to protect against replay attacks, where an attacker eavesdrops legitimate Kerberos communications and retransmits messages from an authenticated party to perform unauthorized actions.

– The inclusion of time stamps in Kerberos messages restricts the window in which an attacker can retransmit messages.

 – Tickets may contain the IP addresses associated with the authenticated party to prevent replaying messages from a different IP address.

 – Kerberized services make use of a “replay cache,” which stores previous authentication tokens and detects their reuse.

 • Kerberos makes use of symmetric encryption instead of public-key encryption, which makes Kerberos computationally efficient

 • The availability of an open-source implementation has facilitated the adoption of Kerberos.

• Kerberos has a single point of failure: if the Key Distribution Center becomes unavailable, the authentication scheme for an entire network may cease to function.

 – Larger networks sometimes prevent such a scenario by having multiple KDCs, or having backup KDCs available in case of emergency.

 • If an attacker compromises the KDC, the authentication information of every client and server on the network would be revealed.

 • Kerberos requires that all participating parties have synchronized clocks, since time stamps are used.
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